
Ear Hygiene: Top tips for ear heath.

Maintaining proper ear hygiene is important for the overall health. Here are some tips to help you maintain good ear hygiene:

Avoid inserting objects into your ears

We do not recommend inserting cotton swabs, bobby pins, or any other objects into your ears, as they can push wax deeper into the ear canal and potentially damage the eardrum.

Clean the outer ear only

Gently clean the outer part of your ears with a washcloth or a tissue. Avoid pushing anything deep inside the ear canal.

Use earplugs in noisy environments

If you're exposed to loud noises, such as concerts or construction sites, wear earplugs to protect your ears from excessive noise and potential damage.

Dry your ears after swimming or showering

Moisture in the ear canal can lead to infections. Use a towel to gently dry your ears after swimming or showering, or tilt your head to each side to help water drain out naturally.

Avoid excessive earwax removal

Earwax is a natural substance that helps protect the ear. It normally moves out of the ear canal on its own. Avoid using earwax removal kits.

Consult a microsuction practitioner

If you experience excessive earwax buildup or a feeling of fullness in your ears, consider visiting a microsuction practitioner. They can safely remove excess earwax using a specialized suction device.

Seek medical attention when necessary

If you experience persistent ear pain, hearing loss, discharge, or any other concerning symptoms, consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Protect your ears from dust

If you work in a very dusty environment, such as construction sites or workshops, it's important to protect your ears from dust particles. Wear earplugs or earmuffs to prevent dust from entering the ear canal, as excessive dust accumulation can lead to irritation and potential ear infections.

Avoid transferring infections

If you have an ear infection in one ear, it's crucial to avoid transferring it to the other ear. Be mindful of proper hygiene practices, such as washing your hands before and after touching your ears, and avoid sharing items like headphones or earbuds that can potentially spread infection.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can help maintain good ear hygiene. Remember, if you have specific concerns or questions about your ear health, it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional. Our ear nurses are ready to assist you. Call us today on 09 212 1412 to book a consultation.